accurately diluted 意味



        accurately-diluted:    {形} : 正確{せいかく}に希釈{きしゃく}された
        diluted:    diluted 薄い うすい 希薄 稀薄 きはく
        accurately:    accurately 正々 正正 せいせい きちんと 正々と 正正と せいせいと
        diluted alcohol:    水で薄めた酒、希釈{きしゃく}アルコール
        diluted blood:    希釈血液{きしゃく けつえき}
        diluted by time:    《be ~》時間{じかん}とともに薄れる
        diluted ethanol:    希エタノール
        diluted ether:    希釈{きしゃく}エーテル
        diluted methane:    希薄{きはく}メタン
        diluted semen:    希釈精液{きしゃく せいえき}
        diluted share:    株式数増大株{かぶしき すう ぞうだい かぶ}、(増資{ぞうし}?転換社債株式転換{てんかん しゃさい かぶしき てんかん}などによる株式実質価格{かぶしき じっしつ かかく}の低下{ていか}の)希薄株{きはく かぶ}
        diluted solution:    diluted solution 希釈液 きしゃくえき
        diluted state:    希釈状態{きしゃく じょうたい}
        diluted suspension:    希釈浮遊液{きしゃく ふゆうえき}
        diluted urine:    希釈尿{きしゃく にょう}


  1. "accurately conveyed to users" 意味
  2. "accurately correspond to" 意味
  3. "accurately defined" 意味
  4. "accurately defined, demography is the statistical study of the population of an area or country" 意味
  5. "accurately describe the nature of" 意味
  6. "accurately evaluate the effects of measures" 意味
  7. "accurately gauge financial health" 意味
  8. "accurately gauge the pulse of public opinion" 意味
  9. "accurately gauge the situation of" 意味
  10. "accurately defined, demography is the statistical study of the population of an area or country" 意味
  11. "accurately describe the nature of" 意味
  12. "accurately evaluate the effects of measures" 意味
  13. "accurately gauge financial health" 意味

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